Member Welfare & Protection
Surf Life Saving Australia and the club are committed to the health, safety and wellbeing of all members. We are dedicated to providing a safe environment for those participating in surf lifesaving activities. The SLSA Member Protection Policy provides the guiding framework to ensure the safety of all members.
Read the Member Protection Policy.
Workcover Insurance
Volunteer lifesavers are covered against injury under the Worker’s Compensation Act 1990 which is coordinated by SLSQ on behalf of all Queensland clubs. A volunteer lifesaver is a registered member of an affiliated Club of SLSQ, irrespective of being a Bronze Medallion holder.
This includes members (14 years of age and over) in Active Cadet, Active Junior, Active Senior, Active Reserve, Long Service, Life Members, Award Members, Past Active, Probationary, Honorary, and Associate Member categories, undertaking approved duties.
Members are only covered, either in Queensland or temporarily anywhere else in Australia, if they are injured while engaged in any approved activity associated with being a volunteer lifesaver including:
- Undertaking approved duties as a volunteer lifesaver
- Undertaking approved training and competitive activities as a volunteer lifesaver
- Engaged in travel to and from the place at which approved duties or training activities are to be performed
It is the member’s responsibility to contact the Club Secretary or administration office immediately following and no later than seven days, after an injury occurs.
If the treating doctor issues a Q-Comp Medical Certificate, the member will need to complete the Application for Compensation Form which is available from the administration office. WorkCover will then decide to accept or reject an application and will contact the member direct.
The claim must be submitted to WorkCover within 6 months of first seeing a doctor. Claims lodged after 6 months could result in a rejection from WorkCover Queensland.
It is important to note that, whilst a member is on restricted duties due to an active WorkCover claim, they are not covered by any insurance to enable participation in any lifesaving activities. It is the members responsibility to ensure compliance with imposed restrictions while on WorkCover. Failure to do so will be dealt with by the Management Committee as required.
Peer Support Service
Surf Lifesavers operate in environments which are prone to the occurrence of traumatic events. These can include many types of incidents both on the beach and within the surf club surroundings.
The Surf Life Saving Queensland Peer Support Service is focused on enhancing the psychological wellbeing of Surf Life Saving members. Peer Support Officers can assist when members have been involved in a critical incident which continues to impact negatively on a members’ health or ability to cope by providing an opportunity to talk confidentially about a members’ experience following a traumatic event.
A full list of Peer Support Officers is available in the Patrol Operations Manual and is updated annually. Or to contact a Peer Support Officer, call the Membership Development team at Surf Life Saving Queensland on: (07) 3846 8000 or email