Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy
Creating safe and supportive service environments for children and young people is everyone’s business. Coolum Beach SLSC is committed to providing the highest standard of service to children and young people and ensuring they are kept safe from harm.
In order to create a safe and supportive service environment for children and young people, surf life saving clubs must initiate and maintain ongoing planning and commitment.
In a safe and supportive environment, services and activities are provided so children and young people:
- feel safe and protected from harm;
- help plan activities and make decisions;
- are consulted and respected; and
- have their best interests considered and upheld.
In accordance with the Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000, Coolum Beach SLSC is required to have a written child and youth risk management strategy to protect the children and young people in our organisation from harm. The strategy will help ensure Coolum Beach SLSC is a safe and supportive service environment for children and young people, by identifying and minimising risks. Screening employees and volunteers through the blue card system is part of the strategy.
The child and youth risk management strategy addresses the following elements:
- a statement of commitment;
- a code of conduct for interacting with children and young people;
- procedures for recruiting, selecting, training and managing paid employees and volunteers;
- policies and procedures for handling disclosures or suspicions of harm, including reporting guidelines;
- a plan for managing breaches of the child and youth risk management strategy;
- policies and procedures for implementing and reviewing the child and youth risk management strategy and maintaining an employee register for blue cards;
- risk management plans for high-risk activities and special events; and
- strategies for communication and support.
As a parent/ carer, it is important for you to understand the policies and procedures that form the child and youth risk management strategy. A copy of the strategy is available on request from Coolum Beach [in] SLSC for your information and comment.
There are also a number of things that you as a parent/carer can do to ensure that your child is in a safe environment while participating in Coolum Beach SLSC activities. The following actions will help you contribute to providing a safe environment for your child:
- Get involved and get to know your child’s coach/ age manager/ trainer/ supervisor. Maintain open and frank communication. Make an effort to attend training and carnivals whenever you can.
- Speak out when you hear language or attitudes that contribute to a negative or unsafe environment. You should, where appropriate, pursue your issues with the Club’s Executive.
- Seek approval from the Team Manager/ Age Manager/ Supervisor when you wish to interact with your child/ children during team/group activities, especially if you wish to deviate from the group activity or program.
- If things occur that disturb you, talk to the coach /age manager / trainer / supervisor about them.
- Monitor closely any increases in the amount of time the coach/trainer spends with your children beyond the training/ activity session.
- Encourage your child to play by the rules.
- Limit communication, where possible, via social media messaging (such as text, email, Facebook or Instagram) between your child and their Coach/ Age Manager/ Trainer
- Avoid unsupervised activities/ circumstances e.g. If you will be late picking up your child arrange for another parent or guardian to wait with your child until you arrive.
- Put coaches/ age managers/ trainers on pedestals. Tell your children it's okay to say 'no' if the coach/ age manager/ trainer is doing something that makes them feel uncomfortable.
- Accept any suggestion of private, closed training sessions. If they do occur ask the coach/trainer for an explanation.
- Sling verbal abuse at officials, coaches, age managers or others.
- Ridicule your child for making a mistake
Know and abide by the Members Code of Conduct and encourage others to do the same.
Member Protection Policy
All members of Coolum beach Surf Life Saving Club Inc are bound by the Statement of Commitment and strategy. Should any member reasonably suspect that a breach has occurred then they must immediately contact the Club’s Grievance Officers, the Club President or Deputy President, Queensland Police Service, or Department of Communities.
The full strategy is outlined on the Child & Youth Risk Management Strategy Binder held in the Administration Office.
For more information on our club member protection details
Blue Card
All members of Coolum Beach Surf Life Saving Club must have a valid Blue Card or Exemption.
Please click below to go the SLSQ app to download and complete the relevant Blue Card Form. Once completed please return your application to the club admin office with a copy of your selected ID. This can be scanned and emailed through in a clear PDF to, a hard copy posted or left in the club mailbox.
Surf Life Saving Austraila Photography Policy
Images of people and activities on Australian beaches, including surf lifesavers and their patrolling and competitive activities, are part of Australia’s cultural history and identity. It is in SLSA’s interest that this continues to be the case.
However, the increasing use of digital photo and video capture devices has led to concerns about when and where it is legal to take photos, and the role of SLSA members. This policy outlines the legal status of photography and videography, the circumstances under which photography may be restricted or not permitted, and provides guidelines for SLSA members when carrying out their duties.
For the policy in full - Surf Life Saving Australia Photography Policy