Management Committee

The Club’s Management Committee is responsible for the management of the lifesaving activities, day-to-day operations and functions of the club in accordance with the club’s Constitution and By-Laws, and Surf Life Saving Queensland and Surf Life Saving Australia policies.

There are nine voting positions on our Management Committee with each position filled on a volunteer capacity. Nominations are submitted and voted on at the Annual General Meeting.

Ernie Burrows

Ernie Burrows

President & Multiple Previous Officer Positions
  • Bronze accredited in 2005
  • 24+ years of service
  • Patrol Captain
  • Multiple Club Award Recipient
  • Trainer & Assessor
  • Gail King

    Gail King

    Deputy President
  • Joined 2002
  • Patrol Captain for 19 years
  • Trainer (including Emergency Care), Assessor & Facilitator for 19 years
  • Chief Training Officer for 3 years
  • Kathy Sundstrom

    Kathy Sundstrom

  • Joined 2004
  • Patrolled more than 377 hours
  • Patrol Vice Captain since 2021
  • Master of willingness and advocate for building relationships within the club
  • Anne McGill

  • Joined 2021
  • Treasurer 2022
  • Masters Competitor
  • Anthony Waring

    Anthony Waring

    Club Captain
  • Joined 2014
  • Member of the training for 4 years
  • Substitute Patrol Captain
  • Surf Sports Competitor
  • Chris Smithies

    Chris Smithies

  • Member for over 16 years
  • Trainer & Assessor
  • Patrol Captain
  • Surf Sports Competitor
  • Steve Stockley

    Steve Stockley

    Surf Sports Officer
  • Joined 2009
  • Surf Sports Competitor
  • Sting Zillman Recipient
  • Kennedy Cup Coordinator
  • Linda Barnes - JAC

    Linda Jephson Barnes

    Junior Activities Chairperson
  • Joined 2020
  • Nipper Parent
  • Surf Sports Competitor
  • Noel Boxer

    Noel Boxer

    Member Officer
  • Joined 2019
  • Members Officer 2022
  • Masters Surf Sports Competitor
  • The club also have many other officer positions that contribute to the running of the club and provide assistance to the Management Committee such as:
    • Vice Club Captains - Riccardo Cornacchia & Gail King
    • IRB Captains - Jason Brown & Alastair McGregor
    • Board & Ski Captain - Nic Lowe
    • Surf Boat Captain - Steve Matters
    • First Aid Officer - Oliver Sweetman
    • Transport Officer - Bruce Mouland
    • Radio Communications Officer - Logan Pieters
    • Gear Steward - Del Rowe

    If you are interested in becoming a member of the Management Committee or a Club Officer, please speak to one of the members listed above to find our more information and expectations of the various roles.

    Club Administration

    The Club’s Management Committee is supported by our Administration Office Team to provide assistance to club officers and members to keep the club running smoothly. The team can be contacted for a range of general enquiries.

      Carla Gilbertr

      Carla Gilbert

      Lifesaving Administration Officer



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