Surf Life Saver of the Week 23

Published: March 29, 2023 Last Updated: March 30, 2023

Welcome Kathy Sundstrom and thanks for sharing with us


So let’s get deep and meaningful straight up

Q – How long have you been in Coolum Surf Life Saving Club and what motivated you to volunteer your time?

I joined Coolum Club for the first time in 2005, not long after we moved to the area with our two sons (then aged 3 and 1) and I joined to escape them. Ha ha, that's partly true, I joined as I've always loved the ocean and wanted to be part of life on the beach. I had a break for several years after adding another kiddo to the ranks and the work life juggle was too hard, but redid my bronze in around 2016 (can't remember the exact dates) and have been involved since.


Q – Is your experience so far what you thought it would be?

It is so much better than I could have thought. Spending five to six hours on the beach with my friends each month on patrol, being part of the community, having access to warm showers in winter, and being able to stretch myself each weekend in the Kennedy Cup, or go to free squad training, or challenge my perceived limitations and having a go on the board... There is always something to do and, occasionally, we get to make a real difference in the lives of someone else, like the time we were able to take a person out for his first swim beyond the waves since a serious accident with the wheelchair. 


On a lighter side


Q – Where did you grow up? (Assuming you’ve grown up)


I grew up about 40kms from the beach in Cape Town, South Africa and I always said I had two goals for when I grew up - to live close to the beach and have a house with a pool. I guess I must be grown up because I've achieved those lofty goals. 


Q – What’s the best job you’ve ever had?

Ooh, that's a difficult question. I've enjoyed many different jobs, from being an "adventure tour guide" in a spectacular part of South Africa, to being a breakfast radio producer for the ABC and now, of course, being involved in cyber security. Probably my best job was my first job with a newspaper in South Africa. I had the chance to write some amazing stories in an era where newspapers were a valued part of life.


Q – Any nicknames?

None that have stuck long enough for me to remember.


Q – Any Hobbies?

I love Pickleball!! I only discovered what is the world's fastest growing sport a year or so ago and it is so addictive! I also love swimming with the 79ers whenever life allows and definitely on the weekends. I also like being on my bicycle and strolling up Mount Coolum and generally not being stuck inside where boring house chores never end.


Q – Favourite Music/Musician/Band



Q – Can you cook and what’s your favourite dish to prepare?

I can cook, but do I want to? Not really when there is so much other stuff to do. My favourite dish to prepare is something that's quick and easy and tasty like a stir fry.


Q – Final & Life defining Question…. Pineapple on Pizza, Yes or No??

Pineapple on pizza is fine, but what is AMAZING is banana on pizza. I can't believe most Australians haven't tried this yet. Please, if anyone is still reading, do yourself a favour and give it a go and let me know what you think. Perhaps it is something we should recommend for the Club menu! 

YES! Yay...


Thank you Kathy.


If you’d like to share your story here with your mates, please contact your member officer - we’d all luv to hear it. Cheers

Support Coolum Surf Club

Not ready to become part of Coolum Surf Club but still want to help?

It takes a lot of money to run a surf lifesaving club; from the equipment needed on the beach (vehicles, boards, IRBs, first aid kits, defibrillators etc) to administration and training to facilitate patrolling.

So if you can't join us, support us through one of the following options.

Coolum Beach SLSC Nippers

Does your child want to become a Nipper?

Looking for a fun summer sport where your kids will learn essential surf safety skills, gain confidence in the ocean, and meet new friends?

Coolum Nippers is the answer! Nippers run from the September school holidays to February/March and is open to kids from 5 to 12 yrs.

Not only will they learn surf safety and what surf lifesaving is all about, but also have the opportunity to compete in carnivals and have mid-week training to improve their skills.

Find out more...



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