Surf Life Saver of the Week 22

Published: March 23, 2023 Last Updated: March 23, 2023

Welcome Dianne and thanks for sharing with us


So let’s get deep and meaningful straight up

Q – How long have you been in Coolum Surf Life Saving Club and what motivated you to volunteer your time?

Joined 2009

Swimming in my strong suit so I thought I might be able to volunteer in a meaningful way. Coolum is my community and I wanted to be an active member of where I live


Q – Is your experience so far what you thought it would be?

I have enjoyed it very much, chich is why I still do it at 76 years of age.

As a member of patrol, I really feel like I have something to give – not just cakes on our patrol day.


On a lighter side

Q – Where did you grow up? (Assuming you’ve grown up)

Kiama, south coast of NSW. So, I have always had a strong connection to the sea. My childhood memories of the beach are there.


Q – What’s the best job you’ve ever had?

I've been a nurse for most of my working life, but have also studied when my children were young and I taught English in China for a year when I studied nursing. Teaching in rural China was an eye opener and I loved it. I also nursed in Saudi Arabia for a year and it was great


Q – Any nicknames?



Q – Any Hobbies?

Reading, growing orchids & general gardening, rating movies, drinking with friends and having a chat


Q – Favourite Music/Musician/Band

Lots. All dependent on the mood.

Currently into singing Italian love songs - Il Divo the choice of the day, but always folk and blues 


Q – Can you cook and what’s your favourite dish to prepare?

Not so much anymore, basically couldn’t be bothered. So quick and easy thanks.


Q – Final & Life defining Question…. Pineapple on Pizza, Yes or No??

Either, neither. Not a huge pizza fan as I eat gluten free , but the surf club pizzas are the best (especially the prawn).


Thank you Di


If you’d like to share your story here with your mates, please contact your member officer - we’d all luv to hear it. Cheers

Support Coolum Surf Club

Not ready to become part of Coolum Surf Club but still want to help?

It takes a lot of money to run a surf lifesaving club; from the equipment needed on the beach (vehicles, boards, IRBs, first aid kits, defibrillators etc) to administration and training to facilitate patrolling.

So if you can't join us, support us through one of the following options.

Coolum Beach SLSC Nippers

Does your child want to become a Nipper?

Looking for a fun summer sport where your kids will learn essential surf safety skills, gain confidence in the ocean, and meet new friends?

Coolum Nippers is the answer! Nippers run from the September school holidays to February/March and is open to kids from 5 to 12 yrs.

Not only will they learn surf safety and what surf lifesaving is all about, but also have the opportunity to compete in carnivals and have mid-week training to improve their skills.

Find out more...



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