Surf Life Saver of the Week - 21

Published: March 15, 2023

Welcome Adelle Schmidt and thanks for sharing with us


So let’s get deep and meaningful straight up

Q – How long have you been in Coolum Surf Life Saving Club and what motivated you to volunteer your time?

I joined Coolum Surf Club in 2021. Long story but I’m actually a Mexican transfer from NSW (North Bondi) – Go the Blues!

I’d been living overseas until COVID/Work brought me home to Australia and the Sunny Coast.  My bronze had been put on “pause” the maximum time  and I needed to join a club ASAP for my proficiency. I liked the look of Coolum so filled in the paperwork to transfer.  BEST DECISION EVER!!


Q – Is your experience so far what you thought it would be?

All that and more. I love how friendly the club is – always greeted with a smile. And so many sport training/social activities on offer.  Best club (and beach) on the coast.


On a lighter side

Q – Where did you grow up? (Assuming you’ve grown up)

Grew up in rough and ready Newcastle aka spewy!


Q – What’s the best job you’ve ever had?

Not exactly world’s most exciting, but best job was being a “notetaker” during uni.  For whatever reason, some other students couldn’t write, and I was paid by the uni to attend class and make notes that were then shared.  It forced me to attend class as they weren’t recorded then, and I got paid to study essentially.


Q – Any nicknames?

Just Del 😊


Q – Any Hobbies?

Love most things outdoors but especially trail running and ocean swimming.


Q – Favourite Music/Musician/Band

I wouldn’t say it is my favourite but ABC Kids/The Wiggles is currently most played on my spotify account.


Q – Can you cook and what’s your favourite dish to prepare?

Nah – Not a great cook.  My biggest skill in the kitchen is being able to poach eggs.  Favourite food would be Mexican anything – so simple.


Q – Final & Life defining Question…. Pineapple on Pizza, Yes or No??

Hell No! There is a time and place for pineapple, and it does not involve pizza.


Thank you Adelle.


If you’d like to share your story here with your mates, please contact your member officer - we’d all luv to hear it. Cheers

Support Coolum Surf Club

Not ready to become part of Coolum Surf Club but still want to help?

It takes a lot of money to run a surf lifesaving club; from the equipment needed on the beach (vehicles, boards, IRBs, first aid kits, defibrillators etc) to administration and training to facilitate patrolling.

So if you can't join us, support us through one of the following options.

Coolum Beach SLSC Nippers

Does your child want to become a Nipper?

Looking for a fun summer sport where your kids will learn essential surf safety skills, gain confidence in the ocean, and meet new friends?

Coolum Nippers is the answer! Nippers run from the September school holidays to February/March and is open to kids from 5 to 12 yrs.

Not only will they learn surf safety and what surf lifesaving is all about, but also have the opportunity to compete in carnivals and have mid-week training to improve their skills.

Find out more...



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